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Ogni giorno ci impegniamo per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone con malattia rara attraverso l’attivazione, la promozione e la tutela dei diritti vitali nella ricerca, nella bioetica, nelle politiche sanitarie e socio-sanitari.

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Offerte di lavoro

We are looking for a Project Manager (Health sector)  


UNIAMO Federazione Italiana Malattie Rare is a non-governmental patient-driven Federation of patient organisations representing over 190 rare disease patient Associations.

Founded in 1999, it is committed to protect the rights and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. UNIAMO is the Italian National Alliance in the Council of Alliances of EURORDIS, European Organisation for rare diseases. UNIAMO is also active in raising awareness through the coordination of Rare Disease Day events in Italy.

Its mission is to improve the quality of life of people affected by rare diseases through the implementation, promotion and protection of the vital rights of rare disease patients (also their families and caregivers), in research, in bioethics, in health and social policies.  

Its activity is articulated into actions and projects, also financed by public calls, both at national and at European level, 


In the European RECON4IMD project www.recon4imd.org – Accelerating the diagnosis and personalising the management of inherited metabolic diseases.-  UNIAMO is among partners with the main task of assessing patient and family perspectives with respect to current experience in diagnosis and treatment of patients with IMDs and also with respect to future hopes and expectations on novel technologies for diagnosis and treatment.

In parallel, UNIAMO, in collaboration with EURORDIS, will reach out to patients among the affiliated associations and inform them of the opportunity to be involved .

UNIAMO with the other partners will disseminate the generated knowledge, innovation, tacit, and explicit skills,  adopting a multimodal dissemination approach.

Main objective

The purpose of the UNIAMO Project Manager position is to accomplish the objectives defined in the proper WP assigned to Uniamo in the EU grant of the RECON4IMD. This involves ensuring proper functioning, development and implementation of communication and involvement of IMD patients.

The UNIAMO Project Manager is supervised by the whole Project Manager and works with the project team, which provides the necessary means for the progress of the project.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Ensure that the goals of WPs led by Uniamo are met. 

  • Provide project management support to the RECON4IMD team partners  Coordinator and to the Project Referent in UNIAMO

  • Develop and implement the WP activities planned in the roadmap in connection with the other members of the project. 

  • Follow up the work of the working groups.

  • Prepare and facilitate meetings with patients .

  • Write agendas and minutes of meetings.

  • Contribute to the strategic communication plan to recruit patients (through different media)

  • Disseminate project results and increase the network visibility.

  • Ensure the proper flow of information among members, provide support and ensure follow-up of requests.

  • Participate with the UNIAMO Project Referent in the meetings of the governance bodies of the RECON4IMD 

  • Participate in regular videoconferences/meetings of the working groups 

  • Ensure the traceability of decisions and the organisation of shared documents.

Candidate profile

  • Significant experience in the management of European projects or equivalent

  • Ability to work in a team, in a multicultural environment


  • Fluent in English (oral and written) – working language of the network

  • Excellent project management skills and ability to deliver results on time and on budget

  • Organized and rigorous in order to establish priorities according to the requests

  • Writing skills and ability to present information clearly and effectively

  • Ability to search, analyze and synthesize information

  • Good interpersonal skills

  • Responsive and adaptable

  • Strong computer skills, working knowledge of Microsoft Office, Google Drive


  • Experience and knowledge in the rare diseases field as well as in the inherited metabolic diseases  field would be especially valuable

  • Previous European research Project experience would be a plus

Job specifications:

  • English environment (working language of the network)

  • Requires travelling (occasionally)

  • Remote work possible (2 days/week)


  • Working hours: 30 hours per week

  • Salary according to experience, diploma and APHP’s salary grid.


Please send your application (CV + cover letter) by e-mail to the following address:  job@uniamo.org


Desired starting date: 01/07/2023


Segreteria Direzionale – sostituzione maternità

Per sostituzione maternità cerchiamo una persona motivata che possa assumere il ruolo di Segreteria Direzionale.

Compiti e responsabilità

Gestione della Segreteria della Federazione. Supporto direzionale al Presidente nella tenuta dell’agenda e organizzazione dei viaggi/trasferte; cooperazione nell’organizzazione degli eventi della Federazione; rapporto con le Associazioni; supporto al Consiglio Direttivo ecc.

Profilo e competenze del candidato

Sono richieste precisione, diligenza nello svolgimento dei compiti. Ottima conoscenza di drive, sistemi di videoconferenze. Dimestichezza con la gestione delle agende; capacità di problem solving e di relazione; capacità di scrivere lettere professionali e seguire una protocollazione.

Dato che la Federazione si rapporta con tutte le alte cariche dello Stato e delle Istituzioni, è richiesta ottima conoscenza e uso della lingua italiana.

Costituisce titolo preferenziale la conoscenza approfondita della lingua inglese.

Sede e orario di lavoro

Sede legale della Federazione, via Nomentana 133 – Roma. Tempo pieno, dal lunedi al venerdi dalle 9:00 alle 18:00 con un’ora di pausa


Contratto Commercio, livello commisurato alle effettive capacità.

Inviare il proprio curriculum a job@uniamo.org